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Biomedical Applications of Polymeric Materials and Composites -Wiley
99,00 €

Artikelnummer: 3527338365
Gewicht: 1 kg
ISBN: 9783527338368
Externe Artikel-Nr: 9783527338368


Biomedical Applications of Polymeric Materials and Composites


Raja Francis & D. Sakthi Kumar


1. Auflage 2017


"With its content taken from only the very latest results, this is an extensive summary of the various polymeric materials used for biomedical applications.
Following an introduction listing various functional polymers, including conductive, biocompatible and conjugated polymers, the book goes on to discuss different synthetic polymers that can be used, for example, as hydrogels, biochemical sensors, functional surfaces, and natural degradable materials. Throughout, the focus is on applications, with worked examples for training purposes as well as case studies included. The whole is rounded off with a look at future trends."


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