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Capillary Electrophoresis - Mass Spectrometry - Gerhardus de Jong - Wiley
69,95 €

Artikelnummer: 3527339248
Gewicht: 0,93 kg
ISBN: 9783527339242
Externe Artikel-Nr: 9783527339242



Capillary Electrophoresis

Mass Spectrometry


Gerhardus de Jong


1. Auflage 2016


"This monograph offers the reader a complete overview on both principles and applications of CE-MS. Starting with an introductory chapter on detection in CE, also related and more specialized techniques such as electrophoretic and chromatographic preconcentration are discussed. A special emphasis is put on CE-MS interfaces, which are described in detail. In a separate chapter, attention is paid to sheath-liquid interfacing. The developments and possibilities of microchip CE-MS are also described. Applications to all relevant areas are discussed in distinct chapters, each written by experts in the respective fields.
Besides applications in pharmaceutical analysis and bioanalysis, recent implementations in food science, forensic analysis, analysis of intact proteins, metabolomics and proteomics are highlighted. MS is a perfectly appropriate detection system for CE, as efficient separation is coupled to sensitive and selection detection. Moreover, MS can provide structure information on the separated compounds. CE-MS has now been developed into a strong hyphenated system complementary to LC-MS. This monograph is an unique source of knowledge for everyone dealing with and interested in CE-MS."


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