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Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings - Ernst & Sohn
49,95 €

Artikelnummer: 3433030839
Gewicht: 0,87 kg
ISBN: 9783433030837
Externe Artikel-Nr: 9783433030837



Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings


Andreas Athienitis

Ernst & Sohn

1. Auflage 2015


"Building energy design is currently going through a period of major changes. One key factor of this is the adoption of net-zero energy as a long term goal for new buildings in most developed countries. To achieve this goal a lot of research is needed to accumulate knowledge and to utilize it in practical applications. In this book, accomplished international experts present advanced modeling techniques as well as in-depth case studies in order to aid designers in optimally using simulation tools for net-zero energy building design. The strategies and technologies discussed in this book are, however, also applicable for the design of energy-plus buildings. This book was facilitated by International Energy Agency's Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC) Programs and the Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) Programs through the joint SHC Task 40/EBC Annex 52: Towards Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings R&D collaboration."


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