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The Practice of Business Statistics Moore W.H. Freeman and Company
49,95 €

Artikelnummer: 71678825
Gewicht: 2 kg
ISBN: 9780716788256
Externe Artikel-Nr: 9780716788256



The Practice of Business Statistics

Using Data for Decisions


Moore / Mccabe / Duckworth / Alwan

W.H. Freeman and Company

Second Printing 2009

ISBN: 978-1-4292-2150-4


"The author is well known for changing the way statistics is taught. His approach is based on examples and exercises and the book has fantastic ancillaries.This title uses real-life business data and emphasizes decision-making - more interesting and realistic for students. It concentrates on concepts rather than mechanics - builds genuine understanding. It offers plenty of opportunities to illustrate techniques and test students' understanding.This edition covers new business exercises and longer case studies - making the book more engaging. It includes more data sets and exercises for practice - on average, an extra 33 per cent per chapter. It contains new text-design - more accessible for business students. It features a new section on business ethics - bringing the book bang up-to-date.This book immerses students in the course immediately, involving them in practical, statistics-supported business decision making from the outset. Using real data to provide a context for tackling modern business problems, it introduces a range of core ideas early - including data production and interpretation."


Das Buch ist in englischer Sprache


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